When single and wanting to maintain that
status because of desires to have fun; usually consisting of casual or
consistent sex and talking to several people at once to boost up ones
own morale, while perhaps also gaining sexual and even financial favors
are typically the objection for such single ones when meeting someone
new. After meeting a new person who the individual may either find
physically attractive or otherwise- but because they show interest may
therefore be entertained, most likely will be stored as a new phone
contact and thus the beginning of regular or even random communication.
Mindful of the fun he/she wishes to gain out of the potential
“relationship,” motives whether direct or indirect are displayed. In
many cases however, what originally was meant to be a distant and
selfish relationship based off of fun and games, turns into strong
feelings of fondness, joy, and entitlement.
“Catch no feelings” is a phrase frequently
echoed by the experienced and careful, which almost serves as a code of
conduct when dealing with the opposite sex because it warns against the
subconscious development of unintended feelings. Obviously, when single
and having fun, the point is not to have a care in the world (while
still being safe) and to satisfy personal interests. Any other outcomes
like feeling the absence of and wanting to know whereabouts are
emotions that having fun avoids, and in the words of Sweet Brown, “Ain’t
nobody got time for that.” Clearly, such emotions were never the
intention, but when it turns into that, that single person must decide
whether or not they can handle that their feelings toward the person
they have been casually involved with has changed. Unfortunately,
having fun tends to be a selfish course but when two people are on the
same page, the merrier. Also, the truth is, having fun does not only
include sexual and financial pleasure but going places and doing things
recreationally enjoyable.
For those not careful; regular exchange and private time spent can
lead to “catching” feelings which changes the initial approach from
carefree to concerned. At the beginning when motives are directly or
indirectly displayed, which can include being sexually pushy or
subliminal about financial and sexual wants, at some point there becomes
a different mindset where having fun takes a backseat and one becomes
way more involved emotionally, physically and even financially than
intended.For example, a guy friend of mine who never meant for things to have gotten serious with a young lady who because of physical appearance would have never considered anything outside of a sexual relationship grew attached. At first, he like many single guys had a deceptive approach used to convince the young lady into believing he was sincere with mature intentions. His games and way with words were well received and returned with kind and caring gestures, and soon enough, sex. As imagined, for her, sex created a sense of possession over him and she therefore began treating the “relationship” as something worth working on: investing time and energy. Subconsciously, she became someone he could trust and got comfortable around. When he knew of other men trying to talk to her he got jealous and frustrated whenever time spent together was interrupted. However, no doubt were there moments when he was disappointed with where things escalated to but felt it was foul to end it and not to mention, he simply became emotionally attached.
For some, developing feelings are an inevitable result, especially if things are not kept in check. Too much time spent talking, sleeping over, and doing things together only leads to developing feelings. And while some will accept the change or even struggle with it, others find being attached a headache they cannot handle thus finding a way out.
Fun Until Feelings: The Unintended Shift From Unattached to Attached
Reviewed by Abhi
June 29, 2013
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